Here's a link to a video I think everyone should watch. It's about 30 minutes long but very informative about women and body image. It reveals the way the female image is formed and maintained in our society through advertisements and the media. It's quite eye opening to advertising and what it's saying about women and men.
It's scary how we are bombarded with advertisents everyday. What's even more scary is the effect this has on children. I believe that we need to make our students aware of these issues and teach them to be critical of advertising and the media and not to let them get sucked into this ideal our society has created. There are girls in grades 3 and 4 dieting themselves already to try and live up to the inaccurate portrayals of women. Think of the damaging effects this has on their bodies and let alone their self-esteem and self-worth. The media is telling girls that their self-worth hinges to the way they look - which then dictates how they interact, live and see themselves. I watched another video on this topic and there was an 11 year old girl who said "She rather die than be fat". Terrifying stuff.